Saturday, September 11, 2010

One of These Days

Currently with my work, now that I have a studio of my own, I have no idea what to do. All summer I had a huge mental and artistic block. This is about the time where I need to go back and look at what moved me, old ideas, and new works from other people. But at the same time sometimes when I look at other peoples work, from my class or museum, I try to imitate them and get their ideas and work all jumbled up with my ideas and work. I think right now I need to go back to what I was good at, figures, so I want to start painting figures again with symbolic and metaphoric contexts. I think that is the right place for me, I always seem to go back to it and it draws me into it at the same time. Getting started is always the hard part. I really want to get some models in my studio or at home and also do some I? Sometimes the best pieces of mind come when I have no clue what I am doing and I just GO! Just do just work, and somehow my intuition takes over and I stop thinking about all the crap in the world that blocks me from my work and it just comes.

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